열린학교 활짝

Launch and showcase of Pop School at the NCTM 2022 Annual Meeting & Exposition


By Honorary Reporter Janssen Ong from Singapore and - from -
Photo by = Janssen Ong

Pop School, a metaverse-based math learning program, was launched and showcased at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) 2022 Annual Meeting & Exposition. Over 100 exhibitors participated in the 3-day event, held from 28 - 30 September 2022, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The NTCM is the world's largest mathematics education organization which organizes the annual meetings, bringing together thousands of mathematics educators from all over the world to collaborate, network, learn, inspire, and share experiences.

A group of teachers navigating the game zones

Developed by HeyIAM which is a subsidiary company of Korea’s No. 1 mathematics education company MathLove Inc., Pop School integrates content from different fields such as sports, education, science, and art with the school math curriculum using fun and interactive IT technologies. Students can explore and navigate math theme zones in 3D virtual spaces. All spaces and zones of Pop School are designed based on mathematical concepts which expose students to interactive learning materials, missions, and game contents for each zone. Teachers can easily create classes according to varying levels of mathematical difficulty and generate student competency reports for evaluation purposes.


 A high school teacher from Hawaii giving a 'Aloha' greeting sign after playing the games


A team member explaining how to navigate the maps

As the only exhibitor outside of US and Canada, it was no surprise to see many attendees being fascinated by MathLove's eye-catching  'K-Pop K-Drama K-Math' banner! The team received very positive and valuable feedback from teachers who spontaneously played multiple games and many actually challenged themselves to solve math problems in a race to beat the clock! 

The eye-catching banner that K-fans would love!

MathLove welcomes principals and teachers from various school districts or school boards to experience Pop School as it believes the program will help improve student learning outcomes, increase levels of motivation, and strengthen their foundation in Mathematics. 


